Innovation and development

Since 2011, Sermocol has invested in the development of new CNC machines / equipment, being able to find innovative solutions through the development of specific algorithms for its CNC equipment, thus improving its production processes with respect to precision and surface finish. The use of CAD / CAM systems is widespread in all processes that frame the production of special tools, as well as the development and use of information technology tools, fundamental for integrated management systems.

Due to the increasing requirements of profitability and efficiency, an increasing number of companies use technical components of powder metallurgical steel, hard metal, PVD technical coatings. These materials allow us to find compromise solutions between high wear resistance and shock resistance, even when exposed in extremely aggressive media. Sermocol has custom technical components in various geometries, which can be found in a wide variety of sectors, such as in the automobile, in cold stamping, molding, among others. The diversity of steels and grades of carbide is ensured by business partners with high standards of quality and reliability.


The Quality Management System is decisive for the company’s success in the market and the continuous improvement of our processes, products and services.
The excellence of quality is based on the commitment and proactive participation of all employees, and each one is responsible for the quality of all our actions and results. The Sermocol Quality Policy is based on the following principles:

  1. Satisfaction of our customers;
  2. Satisfaction of our Employees;
  3. Ongoing training for our employees;
  4. Prevention of occupational accidents and compliance with HSST rules;
  5. Identification of equipment needs and maintenance;
  6. Identification, prevention, analysis and treatment of nonconformities;
  7. Identification of resource needs;
  8. Assessment of risks and stakeholder needs;
  9. Working in partnership with our suppliers;


DU.002.08 / January 2022

Mission, values and goals


Offer services related to the project and concession of special anti-wear tools, selling tangible solutions for each client that allow to increase the performance and duration of your process.


Be a reference in the production of anti-wear tools.


Professionalism and respect in the treatment of employees, customers and suppliers. The development of its activity in harmony with the environment as well as providing a safe and healthy environment for our employees, customers and visitors. Commitment to the profitable growth of the company. Ethics based on integrity and honesty in business relationships.


Do you have any doubt? Don’t hesitate, get in touch!

Sermocol began its activity in 1978. More than 40 years of experience allow us to be a complete supplier when it comes to the production of steel or carbide tools.





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