Machine Components

Machine Components

The machine parts are an active part for the correct operation of the machines and equipment, and in the medium term the machine parts with the wear end up becoming unusable. Sermocol produces machine parts according to the design and customer specification for different machines and / or applications.

In order to guarantee a greater durability and useful life of the tool special coatings / specific surface treatments can be applied coatings for the application for which the part is intended.

Dimensional tolerances of ± 0.005mm and surface finishes with Ra≥0.06.

Generic Machine Bodies

Sermocol has “know-how” to develop machine organs for the most generic equipment, per customer’s design.

Shafts and Rods

Sermocol produces different types of shafts and rods, for different industries, namely for the stamping industry or automotive industry, by customer drawing

Blocks for Plastic Forming Presses

The press blocks are stamping machine parts that suffer heavy wear and tear. Sermocol. It produces machine blocks by customer design, and selects the steel and the appropriate surface treatment in order to maximize the life of the parts.


The mounting clamps are used to hold various types of tool or material. Sermocol produces tweezers for the most diverse work areas, per customer’s design.

Mounting Shirts

Mounting sleeves are an integral part of the assembly components of more complex tool sets, allowing for compromises in machine preparation, tool maintenance and cost reduction.


Calibers are tools used to verify whether or not a particular part meets specifications according to customer design.


Poka-yokes are error-proofing devices designed to prevent defects in manufacturing processes and / or misuse of products.

Special coatings may also be applied specific to the application to which the matrix is intended, thus increasing the shelf life of the same.

According to the experience and technology of Sermocol we advise:

  1.  Selection of steel with mechanical properties suitable for the application to the carcass and suitable section of special grades of carbide for a specific application. Implementation of air / oil outlets in parts to reduce internal pressure;
  2.  Finishing: Polished before and after coating;
  3.  Mounting: to ensure dimensional tolerances of 0.01 mm, assembly and execution and are guaranteed by Sermocol;


To find out more about these products or to clarify any doubts, please contact us. We will be brief in our response!

Sermocol began its activity in 1978. More than 40 years of experience allow us to be a complete supplier when it comes to the production of steel or carbide tools.





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